Friend, have you been served foreclosure?

Fill out this form to get your FREE consultation>>>The period after being served foreclosure is an extremely critical time. As you've already read in the  Foreclosure Handbook, the decisions you make in the days after you are served foreclosure lawsuit are very important; this is the opportune time to defend yourself. You will need to file a proper legal response to your foreclosure notice if you want to save your home.

Most foreclosure complaints require a legal response to be filed in the courts within a time frame of 20 to 30 days.

Failing to respond will lead to a faster foreclosure, usually by way of judicial default and default final judgment. Protect your home!

Work with Foreclosure Ninja Attorneys

Before you get overwhelmed by the choices of lawyers and homeowner "help" programs, remember that statistics show the best bet for saving your home is hiring a top-rated foreclosure defense law firm to handle your situation for you.

We are a law firm that has helped over 5,000 homeowners keep their homes with our unique integrated foreclosure defense and loan modification strategy, and we'll use proven legal tactics to save your home from foreclosure, and help you determine if you will qualify for loan modification.

Rated 5.0/5.0 by Client Distinction Award Winner Avvo Rated

Get a Free Foreclosure Defense Consultation

How Many Foreclosure Lawyers Offer a Guarantee?

Not many. But Amerihope Alliance Legal Services does.

Lawyers aren't allowed to guarantee a specific outcome. We are prohibited from guaranteeing a specific legal result. For instance, a criminal lawyer cannot guarantee a not guilty verdict.

The results obtained in foreclosure case are a product of circumstances and actions by multiple parties, including but not limited to:

  • Your bank
  • Their attorneys
  • The congestion of the local court system
  • and the skill level, diligence and strategy of your attorney.

Our foreclosure defense limited guarantee protects you should a writ of possession be issued within six months, you will receive a 100% refund of the attorney's fees. If a writ of possession is issued within six to twelve months, you will receive a 50% refund of fees paid to the firm.

Get Your FREE Consultation

If you've been served foreclosure, don't just sit there, Act! The longer you wait to hire an attorney, the lesser of a chance you have to get positive results. 

Sign up above for a FREE consultation, and we'll explain how we will save your home from the banks and their minions.

What We'll Cover in Our Consultation:

  • Our unique integrated foreclosure defense strategy
  • What loan modification options may be available to you
  • How we've helped other people in similar situations
  • Cost of foreclosure defense
  • Our 24/7 Client Portal that allows acces to all notes on your case by the attorneys and paralegals