Wells Fargo Loan Modification Case Results

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Articles About Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0001]

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Past due 9 months. Fixed 6% interest rate. Payment $641.18.


No good faith deposit required. Three month trial plan monthly payments of $494.11.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0002]

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PITI Payment $757.08 with a sale date.


Three month payment plan, payments of $645.79.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0003]

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Interest rate 9.375% PITI payment $696.86, payments were 4 months past due.


New interest rate 5.25% fror the life of the loan. Contribution of $2,687.96 required. New payment is $545.08, savings of $151.78 per month.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0004]

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Previous payment of $1,700.00, past due $9,935.00. Sale date was scheduled and canceled.


New payment is $850.00 with escrows included. Monthly savings of $850.00.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0005]

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Previous PITI $4,010.80, 5.75% fixed interest rate. Past due for 4 months, owing $16,043.20.


Three month trial plan with payments of $2,974.34 starting October 1. Savings of $1,036.46 per month. Final modification will be approved after trial plan is completed.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0007]

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Borrower had missed 4 mortgage payments, owing $6,900.


No arrearage due during modification process, borrower has resumed normal payments.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0008]

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Monthly payment was $2,746.94 PITI.


Borrower is granted a 3 month trial plan with new payment of $1,424.15 PITI. After 3 timely payments, final modification will be negotiated.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0009]

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PITI payment was $1648, borrower is 5 months past due, owing $8,573.78


No good fait deposit is required, trial plan to a complete mondification with monthly payments of $1640. Small monthly savings, but the borrower is now able to make payments and keep their home.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0012]

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Mortgage payment was $2,290.47 PITI with 7.5% interest rate. Borrower was $24,190.40 past due.


Borrower is granted a 3 month forbearance plan with payments of $1,982.82. Payment savings of $307.65 per month.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0013]

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Monthly payments of $2,029.14, past due $8,766.02


New payment is $2,016.80 for 3 months while modification is in review.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0014]

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Borrower was 6 months past due and in foreclosure. Original payment $1,336.69 PITI with 7.0% fixed interest rate.


Granted a 3 month special forbearance toward modification. Three monthly payments of $1,395.97 and then final modification will be granted. Foreclosure is on hold during this time.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0015]

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Borrower was 13 months past due and in foreclosure, owing $23,493.72. PITI payment $1,658.81 with 5.5% interest rate.


Traditional modification with down payment of $2,888.81. Monthly payments remain the same and maturity date is extended 10 years. Borrower can keep their home!

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0016]

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Borrower was one month past due. Monthly PITI payment was $1,313.00, with 8.75% interest.

Trial Loan Modification

Three month trial plan with monthly payments of $939.00, monthly savings of $376.60

Final Loan Modification:

Borrower completed Trial plan and Final Modification is granted. New monthly PITI payment is $995.31 with fixed 4.875% interested. Monthly savings of $317.69.

Wells Fargo - [ID: #0017]

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Borrower was 14 months past due and foreclosure proceedings had been started. Monthly PITI payments were $1,706.42 with a fixed 7.375% interest rate.


Borrower received a traditional modification and monthly payments were reduced to $1,372.11 ($334.31 savings per month). Interest rate was lowered to 4.75% for the life of the loan, and foreclosure was suspended.

Lender: Wells Fargo - [ID: #0018]

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Borrower was current, hadn't missed any payments. Borrower had a fixed interest rate of 5% and monthly payments of $1,866 PI.

Trial Loan Modification:

Borrower was granted a 4 month forbearance plan with payments of $1,293.14 per month.


Borrower successfully completed the forbearance and was approved for a final modification with an interest rate starting at 2.375% for 5years, than 3.375% for 2 years and finally 4.375 for the life of the loan. Monthly payments were reduced to $1,303.81 ($562.19 savings per month for the first 5 years).

Lender: Wells Fargo - [ID: #0019]

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Borrower was past due $13,885.30 with monthly PITI payments of $1,383.91 and 6.250% interest. Foreclosure sale date had been scheduled.

Trial Loan Modification:

Three month trial plan with monthly payments of $1,355.64.


Borrower successfully completed trial plan and was granted a final modification. Sale date was canceled and Wells Fargo brought the account to current status without requiring a good faith deposit. New monthly payment is $1,263.88 with 4.75% fixed interest rate ($120.03 savings per month and a fresh start).

Lender: Wells Fargo - [ID: #0020]

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The borrower was six months behind on making mortgage payments with a past due amount of $5,118.05. He had a 6.25% fixed interest rate and his monthly mortgage payments were $1,058.44 (PITI).

Trial Loan Modification

The borrower received a three month trial loan modification with monthly payments of $903.98 (monthly savings of $154.46).


The borrower received a final loan modification with a fixed interest rate of 4.875% and a reduced monthly loan payment of $911.53 (PITI). This is a monthly savings of $ 146.91. The borrower received a fresh start and now can afford to pay their mortgage.

Lender: Wells Fargo - [ID: #0021]

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Borrower was past due, owing Wells Fargo $19,654.07. Monthly mortgage payments were $3,674.46 and it was an adjustable rate mortgage, currently at 6.99%.


Borrower was granted a traditional loan modification and the past due balance was placed at the back of the loan. New payments are $2,401.57, with a fixed interest rate of 3%, this is a monthly savings of $1,272.89!

Lender: Wells Fargo - [ID: #0022]

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After two unsuccessful loan modifications with Wells Fargo in the last two years, borrower was again 7 months behind, owing $8,197.25.


Brought current with a new loan modification. Borrower is required to make a down payment of $1,600.00, but is granted a new monthly mortgage payment of $1,203.52 with a 4.25% fixed interest rate.



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